Privacy Policy

Your privacy is very important to us and we will always act to protect your personal information. We take this responsibility seriously and are very careful about how and when your personal information is collected, used and shared. This statement outlines what our commitment is, why we need to collect personal information, who we may share that personal information with and how you may request access to and correction of the personal information that we hold.

Our Commitment to Privacy

We will always handle your personal information securely and carefully. We will only use your personal information with your consent and when it is necessary for us to deliver you a service or perform other business functions and activities. We will not use your personal information for purposes unrelated to the services we provide, unless first obtaining your consent. We will always use fair and lawful means of collecting personal information. In most circumstances, we will collect personal information directly from you.

What We Collect

The type of personal information we collect is dependent on the type of service or interaction you wish to receive. Personal information we collect may include: your name, address, phone and other contact details (fax, email etc), date of birth, gender, merchandise information (purchases, orders etc), method of payment. Sometimes we will also collect other personal information, such as where you shop or what your interests are, so that we can improve our service and product offering to you. You may decide not to provide your personal information to us. However, if you do not provide it, we may not be able to provide you with access to certain information, products, or services. We do not store your credit card details in any way; they are secured by 128-bit SSL encryption and transmitted to our payment processing provider.

How We Collect It

The personal information we collect is supplied directly by you through our website. For example, the details you provide us when you place an order, open an account, subscribe to our emails, join a mailing list, enter a competition, submit an enquiry, or provide feedback to us. Where we wish to collect personal information about you via the internet, we will expressly ask you for that personal information and explain the purpose for which we are requesting the personal information (e.g. to add you to a mailing list).

Outside of personal information that you enter through our website, we also receive and store certain types of information through the use of ‘Cookies’, when you interact with Femmeline via the Internet. Cookies are alphanumeric identifiers that are placed on your computer’s hard drive through your web browser. Most Internet browsers are pre-set to accept cookies. If you prefer not to receive cookies, you can adjust your Internet browser to disable or to warn you when cookies are used. We recommend that you leave your Cookies enabled as they allow our systems to recognize your browser and provide quicker and easier use of our website.

Why We Collect It

We collect personal information for a number of reasons, including to: deliver and improve the products and services that we offer you, to complete other transactions with you or on your behalf, to protect against fraud or theft, to provide offers and promotions that we consider may be of interest or benefit to you, and to generally provide you with a premium customer experience. We will only collect personal information that is necessary for our functions and activities.

We will generally only use your personal information for purposes related to the purpose or purposes for which the information was collected, or where you have consented to the use.

Who We Share It With

We do not intend to sell your personal information to other parties. However, we will often need to pass your personal details, such as your name and address, to companies who perform part of our service delivery, for example, organizations such as postal service providers or other agencies that assist us in the conduct of competitions.

We may otherwise use or disclose your personal information with your consent (or if we have given you notification of the intended use or disclosure and you have not objected to that use or disclosure) or where required or authorized by law (including under the Privacy Act 1993), which may include:

  • Emergency situations and assisting law enforcement agencies
  • Accessing and updating your personal information.
  • Where we believe that the use or disclosure is reasonably necessary to enforce any legal rights we may have, or is reasonably necessary to protect the rights, property and safety of us, our customers, or others.

If you wish to access or correct any personal information we hold about you, please contact us using the Contact Details set out below. We request that you provide as much detail as you can about the particular personal information you seek, in order to help us retrieve it. An access fee may be charged to cover our costs of providing that personal information to you. In certain circumstances, we may decide to not correct your personal information. If that is the case, we will give you our reasons for that decision and will attach to the personal information a statement of the correction sought but not made.

Your personal information will be held by Femmeline Pty Ltd  ABN83006241523. We take reasonable steps to make sure that the personal information we collect, use and disclose is accurate, complete and up-to-date.

If you have any questions or feedback about privacy, or wish to make a complaint, please contact us by mail at:

14 Hewish Road Croydon Vic 3136  or Phone (03)97232414 or Email